Monday, December 8, 2008

CT Scanning And Its Side Effects

Computed Tomography (CT) scanning is used for assessing the health status of internal organs in a variety of conditions. X-ray computed tomography (CT) involves x-rays for the tomographic imaging. CT scanning promises a greater diagnostic accuracy in brain hemorrhage, tumors, arterial blockages, non-invasive angiography and status of internal organs in accidental cases. Though the harm associated with the medically necessary CT scan is below the unacceptable limits of radiation. A patient is exposed to 10 mSv radiation during a typical CT scan of chest whereas it gets only 0.02 mSv on a chest x-ray. The mSv is the symbol of milli-Seivert unit of radiation energy absorbed in tissues and 10 mSv stands for 1 Rem (Rad equivalent of man). Once or twice in life time, CT scan if required for medical diagnosis is not harmful but repeated CT scanning for the health assessment of asymptomatic individuals would jeopardize the safety limits. Age of an individual and frequency of exposure to radiation may affect the physical health and may lead to genetic mutations and cancer. Asymptomatic individuals approaching the commercial CT Scan Centers should be highlighted the side effects of CT scan. Such individuals should be referred back to their physicians for other medical examinations. In developed countries there are Radiation Safety Authorities to regulate the practice of such techniques. There are many conditions which could be diagnosed without CT scan. There is no evidence of any benefit of CT scanning for a lung disease or lesions of colon. If an asymptomatic or normal person with 40 years plus age receives a radiation dose of 10 mSv every year for five to 10 years, he/she will have 5 to 10 percent more chances of developing fatal cancer than without any exposure to radiation. CT scanning is very harmful for the pregnant females as the fetus should not be exposed to more than 5 mSv (0.5 Rem)radiation energy. As per ICRP guidelines, the maximum permissible exposure for the whole body in an adult is 20 mSv or 2 Rem/year. Avoid unwanted CT scanning to save your health and prolong your longevity.

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