Friday, November 21, 2008

Essential Ions Of Our Body For Sustaining Life

Our life is sustained by complex interaction of inorganic and organic substances; and the water serves as the supportive medium and vehicle for the elements of life. There are nine types of most essential ions of our body which play a dynamic role in supporting and sustaining health and life. Out of nine, five are positively charged ions and four are negatively charged ions. The positively charged ions are called cations as these collect at the negative electrode or cathode during electrolysis; these are Na+ (Sodium ion), K+ (Potassium ion), Ca++ (Calcium ion), Mg++ (Magnesium ion) and H+ (Hydrogen ion). The negatively charged ions are called anions as these collect at positive electrode or anode during electrolysis; these are Cl- (Chloride ion), HCO3- (Bicarbonate ion), PO43- (Phosphate ion) and OH- (Hydroxyl ion). The genius, Sir Humphrey Davy discovered in the second decade of the 19th Century that the passage of current through the aqueous solution of inorganic compounds dissociated them into positively charged and negatively charged parts. That was the beginning of a field which today has the great utility in the life sciences and industry. The Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-), Potassium (K+) and Bicarbonate (HCO3-) are called principle electrolytes and are present in the blood and various body fluids. Potassium (K+) is essential for heart function. The concentration of electrolytes is expressed in milli-Equivalents (mEq) per litre. In the plasma of our blood the normal concentration of Sodium is around 145 mEq/litre; Potassium ranges from 3 to 5 mEq/litre; Chloride is around 100 mEq/litre and Bicarbonate is around 30 mEq/litre. Hydrogen ions (H+) hydroxyl ions (OH-), Bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and Phosphate ions (PO43-) govern the acid-base balance. Our kidneys play a vital role in maintaining the electrolyte balance and acid-base balance. The total sum of electrolytes also determines the osmotic pressure of intracellular and extracellular or interstitial body fluids. The osmotic pressure is a physical force and expressed in osmols (Osm) or milliosmols (mOsm). One mEq of monovalent ions would exert one mOsm and one mEq of divalent ions would exert two mOsm of osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure regulates the movement of water from a compartment of lower concentration of electrolytes or ions to a compartment of higher concentration of electrolytes or ions.

Daily requirement of salts and minerals of and adult person is 3 to 5 grams. Common salt (Sodium Chloride) is a source of Sodium and Chloride ions. Rock salt also provides Potassium ions as it contains some Potassium Chloride in addition Sodium Chloride. Fruits, vegetables and animal products are rich in salts and minerals. Excess of salts taken as food additives are excreted in urine by kidneys. One may loose electrolytes and water due to excessive sweating, continued vomiting or profuse diarrhea resulting in dehydration. To offset the ill effects of dehydration and to correct the lost electrolytes we should drink the solution of oral rehydration salts that contains Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Citrate and Glucose in optimal proportions.

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