Friday, November 21, 2008

Oliguria Or Anuria: Cause May Be Renal Or Non-Renal

The term oliguria means low urine output and anuria stands for no urine output. The oliguria or anuria could be due to renal disease (kidney disease) or non-renal (non kidney) problem. The four possible causes which probably lead to oliguria or anuria are listed below:

  1. Obstruction in a kidney: Obstruction in a kidney or lower urinary track may cause oliguria or anuria. Debris of epithelial cell may block the renal tubules. Hemoglobin or myoglobin pigments or crystals of some drugs have also been documented as the possible cause of casts blocking the renal tubules. Interstitial edema (swelling of interstitial tissue in kidney) could also compress tubules thereby leading to impairment of tubular function. Net result of any sort of obstruction in a kidney is the oliguria which could lead to a grave situation i.e. anuria.
  2. Dehydration: Continued vomiting, severe diarrhea or profuse sweating may lead to dehydration resulting in oliguria or complete cessation of urine i.e. anuria.
  3. Peripheral circulatory collapse: Peripheral circulatory collapse may occur due to post-operative surgical shock leading to reduced renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) resulting in anuria as the tubules reabsorb whatsoever the glomerular filtrate is produced by glomeruli.
  4. Degeneration of tubular epithelium: Degeneration of tubular epithelium causes detachment of epithelium from tubular basement membrane (TBM) resulting in massive loss of tubular epithelial cells. The loss of tubular epithelium leads to loss of physiological barrier between glomerular filtrate in tubules and very strong osmotic pull of plasma in the peri-tubular capillaries (PTC), hence any glomerular filtrate present in tubules is sucked out by PTC, leading to anuria. Mercuric chloride poisoning may cause this type of anuria, however, it could be reversible and epithelial lining of tubules be restored within about two weeks. Avoid tasting unknown and unspecified chemicals to save your kidneys and life.

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